, Scaling Up your business with right talent

Daftar sebagai talent.

Content Creator

Kami membantu talent mendapat pekerjaan yang mereka inginkan. Bekerja secara remote atau onsite, baik perusahaan di Indonesia maupun mancanegara.

Tidak hanya itu, kamu juga berkesempatan memperoleh penghasilan tambahan sebagai freelancer, mentoring dan lainnya. Mari bergabung dengan ekosistem ekslusif Upscale, GRATIS!

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Visi kami adalah membangun ecosystem yang dapat mendukung semua pelaku industri, baik talent, perusahaan, universitas, komunitas dan semua pihak lain yang dapat mendukung visi kami. Ayo bergabung untuk meningkatkan kualitas industri indonesia

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Dengan bergabung dengan upscale, talent mendapatkan akses platform edukasi yang kami kembangkan, baik sebagai mentor maupun sebagai siswa.

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Mulai bangun pipeline karirmu dengan Upscale. Daftarkan diri anda, lengkapi profile, ikuti assessment & dapatkan karir / pekerjaan yang sesuai harapan anda.

Kami Berbeda.

Layanan kami berbeda dengan beberapa layanan yang ada. Ada beberapa jenis layanan yang mungkin bisa dibandingkan dengan kami seperti

  • Upscale Platform

    Platform yang membantu kami membangun karir dari mencari pekerjaan idaman, project freelance sampai mentoring

  • Bootcamp & Penyaluran kerja

    Pelatihan yang diadakan suatu instansi / perusahaan untuk memberikan pelatihan, terkadang terdapat fasilitas penyaluran kerja.

  • Job Portal

    Website lowongan kerja seperti jobstreet.

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Bantuan dari expert saat kesulitan

Bergabung dengan komunitas kami

Kami secara aktif akan terus mengembangkan komunitas dan network kami dengan berbagai pihak.

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Bandung, Indonesia
  • Malang, Indonesia
  • Bali, Indonesia
  • Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Tangerang, Indonesia
  • Semarang, Indonesia
  • Solo, Indonesia
  • Bogor, Indonesia

Bagaimana tahapanya ?
Kami menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan ekspektasi Anda

Konsultasi singkat dengan konsultan kami akan membantu kami untuk mengetahui kebutuhan kamu. Kami pastikan kami akan membantu kamu untuk mendapatkan apa yang kamu cari.

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Konsultasikan dengan talent care

Talent care kami akan membantu Anda dalam mendapatkan apa yang kamu inginkan


Dapatkan yang kamu inginkan

Kami secara aktif akan mencarikan pekerjaan idaman kamu. Yuk bergabung!

Content Creator

Yogyakarta, fulltime, Posted 4 minggu yang lalu
Min 1 Year - Fulltime/Partime, Remote/Onsite
  1. Minimum D3/S1 in Communication, Journalism, Marketing, Graphic Design, or related fields.
  2. Minimum 1-2 years experience in content creation (digital marketing, social media, writing, video editing).
  3. Mastery of content creation tools (eg Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Canva, Final Cut Pro).
  4. Experience in content creation for various platforms (Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, blogs, LinkedIn, etc.).
  5. Ability to write in a creative style, both for written, visual, and video content.
  6. Familiar with SEO, keyword research, and data analysis to optimize content performance.
  7. Excellent communication skills, both in written and verbal forms.
  8. Able to create fresh and interesting content ideas according to the target audience.
  9. Have the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and meet deadlines.
  10. In-depth knowledge of social media trends and platform algorithms to increase reach and engagement.
  11. Able to adapt quickly to changing digital trends and be able to create content that is in line with the latest developments.

Job Description

  1. Create creative and engaging content for various digital platforms, such as social media (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok), blogs, and videos (YouTube).
  2. Design and implement content strategies to increase audience engagement and support the company's marketing and branding goals.
  3. Manage the company's social media accounts, including planning posting schedules, analyzing engagement, and responding to comments or messages.
  4. Edit images, videos, and other visual elements for marketing and branding purposes.
  5. Optimize content for SEO, including the use of relevant keywords and current trends to increase visibility and reach.
  6. Conduct research on market trends, competitors, and audiences to create targeted content.
  7. Collaborate with marketing, design, and other creative teams to ensure content is in line with marketing campaigns and company goals.
  8. Analyze the performance of published content using analytical tools to understand effectiveness and find areas for improvement.
  9. Generate innovative new content ideas, whether in written, image, or video formats to attract a wider audience.

Job Specification

  1. Able to generate fresh content ideas that are relevant to the target audience.
  2. Ability to convey messages clearly, compellingly, and persuasively through writing and visual media.
  3. Proficient in graphic design and video editing software (e.g. Adobe Creative Suite, Canva, Final Cut Pro).
  4. Understanding how SEO works for website and social media content, as well as the use of analytics tools to monitor and improve content performance.
  5. Well-organized to manage multiple tasks at once and work with tight deadlines.
  6. Understanding analytical data from social media platforms and Google Analytics to measure content performance and create performance reports.
  7. Having a keen eye for design and visual aesthetics, and being able to edit visual content (images, videos) in an attractive and professional manner.
  8. Able to adapt content style to various audiences and evolving digital trends.
  9. Working effectively with diverse teams, including marketing, design, and management teams.

Currently open roles urgently.

Web Developer

2 years work experience, 1 year development experience with Javascript, 1 year development experience with PHP, Good English communication skills and client servicing experiences, Work well under pressure and tight deadlines

  • Fulltime Jobs
  • Remote/onsite
  • Contract 6 month


2 people


Min 2 years

Min. Graduation


Apply now

Make sure to have all the requirements before contacting us!

UI/UX Designer

3+ years working as a UI/UX designer, Good knowledge and ability to implement the vision using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Experienced at driving a user experience from start-to-finish that delivers results, connects emotionally., Obsessed with good user-centered design practices and have an eye for detail.

  • Fulltime Jobs
  • Remote/onsite
  • Contract 6 month


2 people


Min 3 years

Min. Graduation


Apply now

Make sure to have all the requirements before contacting us!

Backend Engineer (Go)

2+ years in writing GO, Prior experience developing microservices in the cloud using G, Ability to write scalable Go code adhering to the best practice, Solid security best practice, Strong computer science and engineering backgroun, Forward thinking and up to date on current and emerging architecture pattern.

  • Fulltime Jobs
  • Remote/onsite
  • Contract 6 month


2 people


Min 2 years

Min. Graduation


Apply now

Make sure to have all the requirements before contacting us!

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Dapatkan opportunity dan jadilah seperti mereka.

Arief Widyananda

Managing Director Krafthaus

Berawal dari tahun 2011 sebagai remote programer, tahun 2012 dipercaya menjadi Managing Director Krafthaus, Digital Agency dari Australia cabang Yogyakarta, semula hanya 3 orang team, kini jumlah team lebih dari 30 orang.

Dodi Prakoso Wibowo

Founder PT Erporate Solusi Global

Berawal tahun 2007 sebagai remote project manager & freelance programer, 2012 founding Imedia, tahun 2016 mendapatkan kepercayaan dan investasi dari client untuk membangun software house & talent solution

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Bisnis analis kami selalu siap untuk mendengar kebutuhan bisnis Anda, secara GRATIS.